Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Growth is Truely Exponential!

After being rejected by seven I/O PhD programs & two quantitative psychology programs, needless to say, my spirits were low. I desperately tried to make a case for synthesizing psychology & economics as a course of study in these programs. I tried to explain the relevance and the potential impact it may have upon the field of psychology. My words feel upon deaf ears. A retired professor I spoke with, who was the creator of market distribution channels as organized systems, said it best "If you want to make it in academics you have to plow what has already been plowed, just plow it deeper and more scholarly." I've never heard it put more candidly than that and realized that this would not be an easy journey. I began emailing professors again asking for advice, how they started their careers etc. Economists told me it was to psychological and psychologists told me it was to much economics. I spoke with names such as Dan Ariely, Bruno Frey, Alois Stutzer, and Fiona Lee to name a few. The search ended with little to show.

At last though I see some light! The old clinical gears in my head swirl with anticipation! Proliferation is in sight! I recently contacted Philip Pearlman who kindly spoke with me about his ideas regarding the market & psychology. I found someone who I agree with and I think will agree with my ideas as well. I may finally be able to bring the psycho-market model into fruition. In addition, my first Psycho-Market Model Oil Report, taking into account Psychological & Economic factors is coming to completion as well. Also, a PhD student Sayeed & I are going to begin a line of research regarding President Obama's Speeches. Additionally, my consulting work with a Rhode Island Bed & Breakfast, The Spring Seasons Inn has reached its first stage of completion. The analysis of past performance is complete and we will begin the development of customer surveys shortly. Lastly, I'll be graduating with a Masters Degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology from Hosftra University in May.

After much frustration & failure it's nice to stand up and let the scabs heal for a bit. Though I'm not afraid to get bruised again down the journey I am about to travel through. Growth for me has happen so quickly in such a short period of time that it seems unbelievable. Looking back at how miserable I felt at times it all seems worth it and is well noted to keep this in mind when experiencing even more difficult hardships.

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